OBC Launches Mental Health Program for Medicaid and Uninsured Residents of Boulder County


Press Contact:
Mardi Moore, Executive Director
Out Boulder County
Cell:720.346.1836  email:

Sam Field, LPC, LAC
Field Therapy
Cell: 609.947.5955  email:

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OBC Launches Mental Health Program for Medicaid and Uninsured Residents of Boulder County

Boulder County, CO October 26, 2021

In response to the growing Mental Health crisis in the LGBTQ+ community, Out Boulder County is announcing the launch of our new program, The Point, with appointments available beginning November 1st.  These therapeutic appointments are available to Boulder County residents who receive Medicaid and for those whose income qualifies for Medicaid but are currently uninsured.  

The Point has been in development for 9 months. The program was conceived by Mardi Moore, Executive Director, after being made aware of 2 deaths by suicide in the LGBTQ+ community within 6 days. Mardi reached out to Li Brookens at Umbrella Collective and asked, “What can we do to better serve our LGBTQ+ community with a new model of services that will address the reality of there not being enough Medicaid-providing therapists who are LGBTQ+ inclusive.”  

A study released by Unwoven Ventures and Out Boulder County found the following barriers for our community: Cost, lack of available therapists, lack of LGBTQ+-affirming therapists, too overwhelmed to seek support and stigma.

Our solution to many of these barriers is the Point. Over the past several months OBC staff has worked hand-in-hand with therapists from Umbrella Collective and Field Therapy with the input of individuals from a community survey to design this program.

“I believe that the Point can and will save the lives of LGBTQ+ people by providing access to affirming care when it is most needed and facilitating access to ongoing support and treatment,” said Mardi Moore, Executive Director of Out Boulder County. “I am proud of Out Boulder County, Umbrella Collective, and Field Therapy for their work to make this necessary program available to those in our community who struggle to access quality and affirming care most,” she added.

The Point is an entry point for LGBTQ+ community members for mental health therapy and case management services. This program is for uninsured and income qualified or Medicaid/Medicare-receiving LGBTQ+ adults that offers immediate support and referrals. Our services are with LGBTQ+-competent providers, with bilingual/bicultural services available. This program will provide short-term therapy as individuals await placement into ongoing/long-term therapy. Although not a crisis line or long-term therapy, this program supports individuals in their efforts to navigate the mental health network and receive services at the same time. The Point is a collaboration between Out Boulder County, the Umbrella Collective, and Field Therapy.

The Point// El Puente is not intending to offer long-term therapy. One of the main goals of the Point is to connect LGBTQ+ community members to the already existing amazing community of therapists and providers. This program is intended to get people in to see a therapist within a few days and provides short-term therapy for three months or less to address immediate needs while connecting clients with a long-term mental health provider.  


Working independently and in collaboration, Out Boulder County facilitates connection, advocacy, education, research and programs to ensure LGBTQ+ people and communities thrive in Boulder County and beyond. http://www.outboulder.org/ 


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